Matthew 4:19 (NIV)
19"Come, follow me," Jesus said, "and I will make you fishers of men."
Basic Things To Do
1. Be a Follower of Jesus
(“come, follow me”)
A.Devotional Life
a.Your desire for the Lord is the most important.
b.You move from desire to discipline.
c.You move from desire to discipline.
2. Prayer Life
a.Mark 1:35
b.Luke 11:1
3. Be a Disciple of Jesus
(“I will make you”)
A. Process of Discipleship
a.Jesus called His disciples
b.Calling should lead to relationship
c. Relationship will produce service
d. Serving is a blessing, not a burden
4. Be a Disciple maker
A. Matthew 28:18-20
Be Fruitful and Multiply